Square Dancing in Exeter

Lessons start Tuesday 14th March 2023


What is Square Dancing?

Square Dancing is gentle exercise, using a walking pace and usually danced with the music rather than strictly in time to it.   You can find an example here Square Dancing.

As the name suggests it is done by 8 people (4 couples) in a square.  The dance movements are not rehearsed and the sequences are not repeated – each move is announced by a “caller” just before you have to do it.  Moves may be in circles of 8, in boxes of 8, lines of 8, boxes of 4, lines of 4, two lines of 4 and many other formations.  The formation always starts and ends as a square of 8 people, but it changes frequently throughout the dance.  Part of the pleasure of Square Dancing is the satisfaction of being ready for the next move when it is called, which means being in the correct place in the correct formation.

Physically it’s no more than a swift walk, but mentally you have to keep your wits about you.

The Classes

Classes are led by Jeremy Child, an accomplished and fun caller. They are designed to teach you enough to enable you to go to a square dancing club, and are also fun in themselves!

So is it for you?

If you can walk and think at the same time, enjoy a social occasion, and like to be challenged, then YES.

Where and When

2nd and 4th Tuesdays, 2pm to 4pm, Countess Wear Village Hall, 28 School Lane,  EX2 6LB (Near Tally Ho! pub)


This is a U3A session, so only £1 contribution to room hire is required, but you must join Exeter U3A if you want to come regularly.


Jeremy on 07969 297 633 / 01392 422119


Frequently Asked Questions

How long does it take?

It will take between 15 and 20 sessions to get to the stage where you can go to a Square Dance club.

Do I need a partner?

This sort of dancing is done in couples, but you don’t need to bring a partner with you.  The tradition is that people swap partners after each dance.

Do I need to wear special clothes?

No.  Anything comfortable is fine, although sensible shoes without high heels are best.

Do I have to come every week?

No.  The teaching approach means you can miss sessions without being left behind, although we recommend you come to at least half of them.

Do I have to come at the start of a set of classes?

No.  You can join at any time, as the teaching programme is cyclical in nature.

Do I have to have done other dancing before?

No. Everything is taught from scratch, and no previous experience is necessary.

What if I’m slow / quick to pick it up?  Will I get left behind / bored?

No.  The teaching approach allows people with different levels of ability and experience to dance and learn together.