Social Dance
Looking for: Contra Dance in Exeter?
I have been a keen Social Dancer for many years, and recently it has become the main focus of my dancing escapades. My calling repertoire includes a wide range of American Squares and Contras plus some lovely Playford-esque dances, as well as the ability to call choruses on the fly.
Monty Crook & Others - Bridport Ceilidhs (Social Dance & Contra)
What a great evening ... tremendous dances called by Jeremy. All thoroughly enjoyed the energy and drive of the band and caller. "The best dance I've been to for years."
Dances of Tony Parkes, Madeline Smith, Cory Ravitz, Ted Sanella and Gene
Hubert grace my dance collection, which includes contra star, “indecent”
and grid square formations, as well as some of my own creations.
Tamara McGovern - Harvest Moon Contra, River Falls, South Carolina, USA
It was great to have you Jeremy - you have great energy and you shepherded our new dancers through some more complicated dances very well. I was also impressed with how well you worked with the band - they are wonderful and I love them, but they can occasionally be a challenge rhythmically.
I have collected many dances over the years and make it a point never to
call a dance unless I have danced it myself, and something has made me
go "Wow!"
I can also provide a general dance or “mixed bag” for social dance events: a refreshing mix of dances that make your head spin one minute and have you grinning as you gallop down the middle the next